Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wrapped Up

Monday, December 28, 2009
Oracal's New Carbon Fiber Textured Cast Film

Oracal USA has introduced its Series 975 Carbon Fiber cast media, which features a textured surface specially developed for exterior vehicle restyling and interior detail applications.
Available in black and anthracite, the 5-mil vinyl is designed to offer exceptional dimensional stability and conformability over uneven, arched, or curved surfaces as well as flat applications.
Series 975 Carbon Fiber is available in 60-inch-wide x 50- and 25-yard rolls.
Check out our website for more vehicle vinyl information, www.speedprometroatlanta.com
car graphics,
vehicle graphics atlanta
Monday, December 14, 2009
Puma 3D Window Display - Literally

There are numerous reasons on why Riot Event + Sponsorship received the highly decorated two thumbs up from me. The two most popular factors for the thumbs up are the timing of the campaign and the 3-D glasses placement. These two factors are what hit me hard to think, 'Wow. How clever.' Though having a 3-D image as your window display is pretty unique, it's the most obvious reason about the campaign. Because it was so obvious, the genius creativity is decreased.
However after finding out that they positioned the campaign right when a big international event was being held, I thought 'Huh. That's a good idea.' The genius creativity is increased a little more. Then hearing that on lookers would have to walk into the store and ask for the free glasses, I thought, 'Genius!' Why you may ask? Simple. Impulsive buying.
By making the 3-D glasses only obtainable at the cashiers' station, prospective customers would have to walk into the store and go through the merchandise. Though many of us don't want to admit it, but a lot of us are impulsive buyers. Having to ignore sales racks or clearance items, just to get free 3-D glasses is crazy! (At least it is for me.) While I'm going through the effort to get my 3-D glasses, I might as well look around. This factor increases the chances of a purchase. So by making the 3-D glasses only available inside, the marketing agency put into consideration some people's ability to impulsively buy things. Genius. Playing on our bargain hunting and impulsive buying habits was just pure genius.
Remember next time you have to create a window display for your store. Find ways to get prospect clients into your store even if it's for something free and inexpensive. It will increase the chances of a sale.
For more information, please check out www.speedprometroatlanta.com
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Toilet Decor
After watching installers put on a vehicle wrap, I decided to venture out and wrap my computer mouse, which only led to our toilet being wrapped. Just think what I'll come up next.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Latest Project
Transforming simple vehicles into an amazing piece of art is what Speedpro Imaging can do. This bus was done for a local Atlanta church in Midtown. With the collaboration of both graphic designers, we were able to create what you see today. From an all white bus to the Ark of Salvation, perishers can now go on retreats or day trips on Ark like Noah.
To get more information on this project, please check out our website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com
Bathroom Decor

Ever felt like you're being watched? In the men's bathroom of a New York office, technically, you are.
Created by Edge Design, an all-women run interior design company, this men's bathroom features a mural of women watching you do your business. Having a client that is ran by all women executes, Edge Design was able to use their creativity and humor into designing this hilarious wall mural.
Creative projects and ideas, like this, is what gets companies recognized and remembered. This decorative wall mural now benefits both companies. How you may ask? Easy. Edge Design's client company will be talked about and known for their unique men's bathroom. (Marketing tip #1: Being top of mind - no matter what you're known for.) And Edge Design gets the credit and title of being an interior design company that created this funny idea.
Using projects, spaces, or decor to get to market your company's abilities is a great marketing method, and one that should be practiced more often.
For more information on unique wall graphics, pleasecheck out Speedpro Imaging's website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Trade Show ABCs
Trade show season is around the corner, and you decided to exhibit your business at one of the many events being promoted. If you're a veteran to trade shows, then you probably already know your ABC's of trade show exhibiting. If not, then here they are:
A: Attention - pay attention to the attendee. If you have one checking out this trade show booth, it is important that you talk and engage them. Don't bounce back and forth on visitors in your booth space. It's always good to have back-up representatives with you, so if you do get caught up, there's someone to assist other attendees. Remember answering their questions, limiting their confusion, and getting their information is why you're there promoting your business.
B: Body Language - practice on your body language. Having your arms crossed gives off the wrong message. You should be open and easy to talk to. Trust me. It's imitating to approach someone that you don't know, especially if they are giving off negative vibes. As much as the attendee wants to know what services you can provide, they can live without the negative vibes.
C: Convincing - one of the most important step is being convincing. If you can convince the attendee that you are someone that they can rely on, then everything else may not matter. If you're exhibiting lotion that is said to reduce wrinkles but smells like fish, this is where this step comes in. Convincing and gaining the attendee's trust can get you a sale or even referrals. It is said that many people are afraid to do new business because they already have trust in their current supplier that they don't see the need to change. This is the type of bond and relationship you should be seeking. By getting the buyer to trust you, you end up getting the buyer to trust your product.
These simple ABC's will help you on your exhibit and presentation of your company.
A: Attention - pay attention to the attendee. If you have one checking out this trade show booth, it is important that you talk and engage them. Don't bounce back and forth on visitors in your booth space. It's always good to have back-up representatives with you, so if you do get caught up, there's someone to assist other attendees. Remember answering their questions, limiting their confusion, and getting their information is why you're there promoting your business.
B: Body Language - practice on your body language. Having your arms crossed gives off the wrong message. You should be open and easy to talk to. Trust me. It's imitating to approach someone that you don't know, especially if they are giving off negative vibes. As much as the attendee wants to know what services you can provide, they can live without the negative vibes.
C: Convincing - one of the most important step is being convincing. If you can convince the attendee that you are someone that they can rely on, then everything else may not matter. If you're exhibiting lotion that is said to reduce wrinkles but smells like fish, this is where this step comes in. Convincing and gaining the attendee's trust can get you a sale or even referrals. It is said that many people are afraid to do new business because they already have trust in their current supplier that they don't see the need to change. This is the type of bond and relationship you should be seeking. By getting the buyer to trust you, you end up getting the buyer to trust your product.
These simple ABC's will help you on your exhibit and presentation of your company.
Friday, November 20, 2009
How are vehicle wraps quotes created
With vehicle wraps becoming one of the most popular marketing methods in the world, the idea of getting one is tempting. There is no harm in calling print shops, and getting a quote on what you want. However, to speed up the process, especially if you're on a deadline, there are some things you'll need to know.
1. What is the make and model of the car?
2. What year is the car?
3. What is your budget?
4. Do you already have a graphic?
Questions like these are some of the most common questions the print shop will ask. For pricing and time, it is important to answer them. Here are some questions that may also appear:
1. How many colors are there in the graphic?
2. Are there any attachments to the vehicle (i.e. grills, kits, etc.)?
3. How long will you need the vehicle wrap?
Knowing what you're looking for and what you have can start you off the right track. Some print shops charge for graphic design time and extra colors. Knowing what you have on hand can lower your price substantially.
Remember each question can change your pricing. Making the process is easy if you plan and know ahead of time.
For more information on vehicle wraps, check out our website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Creative Ways to Make Your Wrap Pop

Living in a big city, there are bound to be businesses like yours. Figuring out a creative and competitive marketing strategy is important. Once grasping what you need, your design and graphic gives your future customers their first impression on your business.
Making your advertising image forgettable is what a lot of businesses do, especially with vehicle wraps. With vehicle wraps becoming one of the most popular advertising methods on the market, getting your vehicle wrap design to grab potential clients attention is growing to be more important step. However, don't fret. Here are some suggestive ideas to help you get a head of the market:
1. Design of an Optical Illusion - When creating your vehicle wrap graphic, try making into an optical illusion.
2. Overlay of Metallic Vinyl - Instead of having you contact information printed with the vinyl, why not have it cut out from metallic vinyl? It'll give off a certain 3-D look in the sun.
3. Print on Reflective Vinyl - Why not try out reflective? Like any Emergency vehicle, get noticed at night. We usually suggest reflective vinyl for certain circumstances. One suggestive circumstances is if the trailer or car is just sitting at a busy intersection for advertising purposes. When lights, passing by it, flash on the vehicle, the reflective image will glow. For example, the mini cooper, at the very top of the blog, has reflective stickers.
4. Print on Glow In The Dark Vinyl - While Reflective vinyl can get your image shining in the middle of the dark, try glowing throughout the night. The Glow In The Dark vinyl will just glow throughout the night without any light!
So if you're thinking about getting a vehicle wrap, try these design ideas and tell me how it goes. For more vehicle wrap information, please visit www.speedprometroatlanta.com.
Thanksgiving Decor

Here are some great Thanksgiving decor ideas:
- Matching Napkins and Table Cloths
- Front Door Sign
- Window Stickers
- Specialize Table Center Pieces
- And Much More!
Learn what's going on at Speedpro, check out our November Newsletter
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Latest Achievement

Though the weather wasn't always sunny for our installs, we were able to raise above the down pour from Hurricane Edna. Using one of our available bays, installation and rain wasn't a problem for our installers. We were able to keep on track with our dates through the rain. This is something that many printers who do vehicle wraps have an issue with because of not having a bay.
Orion Restorations specializes in providing services following any man-made or natural emergency including: hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, fires, and other disastrous events. By looking at the graphics on the box truck, we were able to convey their business services.
The installation only took a day, starting around 10 in the morning. The Orion professionals were able bring in the truck around 5 PM, and by Wednesday morning, the installation of the vehicle wrap started. On Thursday morning, Orion Restoration was able to pick up their newly wrapped truck.

To get more information on them, please visit http://orionrestoration.com.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Interior Design = Advertising Deals

How can interior design relate to advertisement deals?
Interior design can always be categorize under services. However some interior design can also fall under advertising.
By marketing empty wall space or floor space to a brand, bars, retail stores, and/or offices can design their whole room theme to that one advertisement image.
For example, the picture on the right was done by one of our sister stores for a bar. Now the bar theme was Hawaiian tiki lounge. The bar owners and interior designer were able to sell advertisement placement for liquors sold at the bar. This bar was able to tie in the theme of the environment to the advertisement.
Interior design can be categorize in many different areas. Just thinking out of the box and knowing your options, advertisers and interior designers are able to work together and create unique innovative ideas for both categories.
For more information, check out our website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com. Go to Impact Graphics and see the different ways to implement large format printing to interior design.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Spooky Decor

Our production manager made life size ghost graphics and hung them throughout his lawn during Halloween.
The picture on the right is just one of the many graphics he created and hung around his house.
For holiday decorations or ideas, please contact Stephanie at sbailey@speedpro.com and she can give you simple and crafty ideas.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Glo Canvas

Some of his products are created by digital prints. The picture from above left is just one of his many products. This product is called Glo Canvas. He used digitally printed images on canvas and mount them onto a backlit object.
Duffy London is a creative, out-of-the-box line that pushes creative digital printing to the edge. Instead of the standard thought process for digital prints, Chris was able to take harmonious images and create them into something awe striking.
Remember just because print shops can create banners and vehicle wraps, doesn't mean that's all they do.
For more information on Duffy London products, check out www.duffylondon.com.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Using Backlit Lighting in Decorating

Using backlit images to help gain focus on a certain wall or image is a very successful technique. Just looking at the backlit in the images, one of the first things you notice are the flowers. Now imagine that all the lights were dimmed, except for the backlit images around the bar. The colors of purple, yellow, pink, and orange would pop the colors right out, thus making people more attached to the bar.
With many bars, whether they have neon letters or backlit images, use lights to gain people's attention. I like to think of like the bug zappers. The lights attach the party goers to the bar and encourage them to sit awhile and drink. If you have an a certain portrait or image you'd like to share with people, using backlit lighting might be the way to go.
Here are some examples of images used for backlit lighting.

Her backlit is also thin and close to the wall, giving it a picture frame look.

There are many uses for backlit images in decorating. It just take imagination and a great source to get what you're looking for.
If you have any questions about backlits, email me at sbailey@speedpro.com.
Please also check out our website at www.speedprometroatlanta.com.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Ideas for Custom Print Fabric

For experience interior designers or furniture makers, custom printed fabrics is something that you are well aware of. However what about the individual who is just starting. What do you use custom printed fabric for?
Here are some ideas for custom printed fabric:
- custom pillow cases, sheets, or bedding
- custom fabric to upholster furniture
- custom wallpaper
- custom drapes
- custom trade show table drapes or table cloth
- custom fabric for clothing
- backdrops or scenery
These are just some ideas that custom digitally printed fabric can be used.
Image is brought to you by Téo Jasmin
Monday, October 12, 2009
Why Vehicle Wraps?
Simple, it's more direct and in your face type of marketing. One could invest in postcards, ad space, or even door to door sales techniques, but a mobile 24/7 advertisement of your business seems to catch and hold your prospected customer's attention.
Here are the facts:
- Historically, people have been affected more "subconsciously" by letters and symbols on vehicles. Photo imaging, however, takes the experience to a more "conscious" level.
- Effective photo-image wraps have been proven to increase conscious awareness of a vehicle (and a brand) by more than 48 percent over simple vehicle lettering.
- Study evidenced that more than 95% of Americans travel in a car each week.
- One fleet wrap can generate between 30,000 to 70,000 impressions each day!
- In the Atlanta Metro Area, the average person (driver and non driver) travels in a car for 34.1 miles/day. The Atlanta Metro's Area population is roughly 5 million people.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Making More From Paintings
I can help. Speedpro Imaging of Greater Atlanta is able to reproduce your painting at wholesale prices, thus giving you the ability to decrease your price at a more successful rate and sell more copies. This method is also called Giclee.
Giclee is an invented name (i.e. a neologism) for the process of making fine art prints from a digital source. We take the time and effort to color match and test print proofs for your approval.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Etched Glass

Artificial sandblasting has been around for centuries, having first patented in 1870. Because the silica dust produced from the sand caused severe health problems after sustained inhalation, the sandblasting process has evolved with other materials, such as garnet, metal gellets, and glass beads. These materials are now used as a replacement to sand.
When sandblasting, it creates a unique frosted look. This same unique frosted look that can be evenly matched with our frosted glass vinyl - for much less the cost.
Because of frosted glass vinyl, you are now able to reproduce any window, door, mirror, or other glass decor for an etched, frosted, or sandblasted effect.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dirty Truth Campaign

ATLANTA, GEORGIA: The Dirty Truth Campaign - www.dirtytruth.org - (in collaboration with Atlanta artist Lisa Tuttle) present The N PU-V Photovoice Project: Taking it to the Streets, an exhibition of large-scale color photographs (48”x40”) and narratives produced by community youth that focus on the vacant housing, blight and excessive trash that continue to plague the neighborhoods of southeast Atlanta. The exhibition will be presented October 10 – 30, 2009 at the brand new facility in the Pittsburgh neighborhood – the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center Atlanta, 967 Dewey Street, SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30310.
Much of the abandoned property and blight are in areas that immediately surround schools and parks, impacting the health and security of children. The exhibition will feature photos taken by students from W.L. Parks Middle School, Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation/Youth on the Move program, and The Center for Black Women’s Wellness/Plain Talk program.
The exhibition and related symposium are a culmination of this summer’s “Audacity of Hoops”, public art installation/events that were presented on outdoor basketball courts in the Pittsburgh, Mechanicsville and Peoplestown communities. Creative Loafing art critic Cinque Hicks described the July 25 presentation at Rosa Burney Park as neighbors coming together “in an effort to reclaim their neighborhoods through art” and “…a call to arms to change...” Photographic and video documentation of this summer’s activities will be also displayed in the Kroc Center exhibition.
An opening reception/awards ceremony will be presented on Saturday, October 10, 4 pm – 7 pm, which will also include 3-on-3 basketball games. A symposium of community leaders, VACANT PROPERTIES: City, County and State Policies that Shape Our Communities (for better or worse….) will be presented on Saturday, October 24, 3 pm – 5:30 pm. All events are free and open to the public.
Exhibition dates: October 10 – 30, 2009 Exhibition hours: Thurs-Sat: 3 pm – 7 pm
Brought to you by Dirty Truth
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Boat Wraps

Custom your boat with a signature graphic or look with us! Speedpro Imaging has your 411 on boat wraps.
When it comes to boat wraps, it is important to use the right vinyl for warranty and graphic needs. With the use of special Marine vinyl, this vinyl is able to handle reduce the graphics color fading and handle salt air. Using regular vehicle wrap vinyl is still alright to use, but it won't have an everlasting affect as Marine vinyl does.
Also remember just like in car vinyl maintenance to hand wash the vinyl and use low pressure water.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Color Outside The Lines
Instead of following for the same old advertising or marketing method, try of something new that will leave an 'aha' moment to your customers.

If you are interested in a new creative marketing idea, please contact Speedpro Imaging of Atlanta or visit our website at, www.speedprometroatlanta.com
*All images were brought to you by, Crooked Brains blog.
*All images were brought to you by, Crooked Brains blog.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Window Graphics

In today's economy, many retail spaces and building spaces line the streets vacant. Because of this, marketing and advertising agencies have found a new promotion method-window graphics.
With brand sponsorships, landlords and real estate agents are now able to turn their vacant building into a profit generating advertisement. It's a win-win for real estate and advertising. It is also a win for the community because it takes these vacant spaces that are depressing, and gives them some energy and vibrancy.
Window graphics appeals to customers for a number reasons:
1. The graphics are unexpected. Many people when walking by a retail store expect the traditional blank retail storefront. However with window graphics, they now see a large advertisement.
2. The advertisements are at ground level. Thus making them more noticeable than a billboard.
3. They're unique. Window graphics are able to conform to the buildings.
When thinking of a unique, in-your-face advertisement, try window graphics. Whether its to promote an event, brand or store, window graphics will catch ANYONE's eye!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Party Favors
Have a girls night out in a few days? Planning a friend's baby shower? Can't find the right party favor? We are here to help.
Though large format deals with large scale printing, we can still help you create great party favors.
Here are some ideas:
1. Mounted Picture Blow ups!
This is the most inexpensive party favor. You can also jazz up these mounted pictures up with dollar store picture frames so your friends and family can have a memory and keepsake of the event.
2. Wrapping an object
Whether is a small toy car or a flower pot, getting stickers made of your special event and then sticking them onto something helps you get unique and custom party favors.
3. Magnets
This option is a more popular approach. More and more couples are doing magnets because they're small and more functional.
For more ideas on party flavors or what material to use, visit our website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com and contact us. We'd love to help you on your you next party.
Though large format deals with large scale printing, we can still help you create great party favors.
Here are some ideas:
1. Mounted Picture Blow ups!
This is the most inexpensive party favor. You can also jazz up these mounted pictures up with dollar store picture frames so your friends and family can have a memory and keepsake of the event.

Whether is a small toy car or a flower pot, getting stickers made of your special event and then sticking them onto something helps you get unique and custom party favors.

This option is a more popular approach. More and more couples are doing magnets because they're small and more functional.
For more ideas on party flavors or what material to use, visit our website, www.speedprometroatlanta.com and contact us. We'd love to help you on your you next party.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Letter from Hue

Hi everyone!
I'm back from my adventure with Stephanie. Woof! It was wooferful! But I wasn't able to update as much as I wanted because of the Hurricane Bill. Woof. Though it didn't hit Virginia Beach, our hotel ended up having WIFI problems. Woof! It sure was scary! Woof! WOOF!
But don't worry I still had fun. When it was sunny, we went to the Virginia Aquarium on General Booth Blvd and the Lynnhave Mall. I saw alot of cool stuff while I was there, especially large format prints!
The picture above was taken at the Lynnhaven Mall near their food court. This is just a section of the wall graphic. However the image was as along as the wall. Because I was helping babysit Stephanie's son (RUFF!), I wasn't able to get a great picture of it. GRRR! But there are alots more of fun large format images coming your way!
-- Hue

Virginia Aquarium

One of Hue's favorite place was where the sea turtles were, especially the sea turtle in the picture on the left. This particular sea turtle enjoyed swimming behind anyone taking a picture. Hue LOVED interacting with it!

The wall mural is an image of a pier. You can see a sea gull and ship in the background. This one looked painted. However a vinyl background would have given more sharper lines and clarity.

Backlit film is a clear material that can be printed on. This material can be later mounted on a surface. Backlit film is specially created to bring out the colors if light shined behind it.

They used Economy banner material for these. Though the banners look very much like Premium from far away, it's not until up close can you see the scrim texture.

PLEASE NOTE: From far a way or even a few feet, the heat seamed and/or the Economy material isn't noticeable until up close. That is why for trade shows, Premium material should be suggested for it's smooth texture.
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