Friday, October 23, 2009

Using Backlit Lighting in Decorating

In the Kress Night Club on Hollywood Blvd, backlit images of flowers hover around the top of the bar, giving a powerful presentation and wonderful image that gives the main focus on the bar.

Using backlit images to help gain focus on a certain wall or image is a very successful technique. Just looking at the backlit in the images, one of the first things you notice are the flowers. Now imagine that all the lights were dimmed, except for the backlit images around the bar. The colors of purple, yellow, pink, and orange would pop the colors right out, thus making people more attached to the bar.

With many bars, whether they have neon letters or backlit images, use lights to gain people's attention. I like to think of like the bug zappers. The lights attach the party goers to the bar and encourage them to sit awhile and drink. If you have an a certain portrait or image you'd like to share with people, using backlit lighting might be the way to go.

Here are some examples of images used for backlit lighting.

Here is a backlit light created by Duffy London. You can tell from the image that she used the brightest part of her lighting on the edge, right over the while clouds. By doing this, she was able to bring give off a 3D effect with her image.

Her backlit is also thin and close to the wall, giving it a picture frame look.

In the image to our right, we are able to see what backlit lighting can be used in a room. This backlit light was designed by Catherine Kullberg. You can see it's an image of a lit candle.

There are many uses for backlit images in decorating. It just take imagination and a great source to get what you're looking for.

If you have any questions about backlits, email me at

Please also check out our website at

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