Friday, October 23, 2009

Using Backlit Lighting in Decorating

In the Kress Night Club on Hollywood Blvd, backlit images of flowers hover around the top of the bar, giving a powerful presentation and wonderful image that gives the main focus on the bar.

Using backlit images to help gain focus on a certain wall or image is a very successful technique. Just looking at the backlit in the images, one of the first things you notice are the flowers. Now imagine that all the lights were dimmed, except for the backlit images around the bar. The colors of purple, yellow, pink, and orange would pop the colors right out, thus making people more attached to the bar.

With many bars, whether they have neon letters or backlit images, use lights to gain people's attention. I like to think of like the bug zappers. The lights attach the party goers to the bar and encourage them to sit awhile and drink. If you have an a certain portrait or image you'd like to share with people, using backlit lighting might be the way to go.

Here are some examples of images used for backlit lighting.

Here is a backlit light created by Duffy London. You can tell from the image that she used the brightest part of her lighting on the edge, right over the while clouds. By doing this, she was able to bring give off a 3D effect with her image.

Her backlit is also thin and close to the wall, giving it a picture frame look.

In the image to our right, we are able to see what backlit lighting can be used in a room. This backlit light was designed by Catherine Kullberg. You can see it's an image of a lit candle.

There are many uses for backlit images in decorating. It just take imagination and a great source to get what you're looking for.

If you have any questions about backlits, email me at

Please also check out our website at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ideas for Custom Print Fabric

For experience interior designers or furniture makers, custom printed fabrics is something that you are well aware of. However what about the individual who is just starting. What do you use custom printed fabric for?

Here are some ideas for custom printed fabric:

- custom pillow cases, sheets, or bedding
- custom fabric to upholster furniture
- custom wallpaper
- custom drapes
- custom trade show table drapes or table cloth
- custom fabric for clothing
- backdrops or scenery

These are just some ideas that custom digitally printed fabric can be used.

Image is brought to you by Téo Jasmin

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Vehicle Wraps?

With all the technology and latest marketing methods out there, why should a business invest in a vehicle wrap?

Simple, it's more direct and in your face type of marketing. One could invest in postcards, ad space, or even door to door sales techniques, but a mobile 24/7 advertisement of your business seems to catch and hold your prospected customer's attention.

Here are the facts:
  • Historically, people have been affected more "subconsciously" by letters and symbols on vehicles. Photo imaging, however, takes the experience to a more "conscious" level.
  • Effective photo-image wraps have been proven to increase conscious awareness of a vehicle (and a brand) by more than 48 percent over simple vehicle lettering.
  • Study evidenced that more than 95% of Americans travel in a car each week.
  • One fleet wrap can generate between 30,000 to 70,000 impressions each day!
  • In the Atlanta Metro Area, the average person (driver and non driver) travels in a car for 34.1 miles/day. The Atlanta Metro's Area population is roughly 5 million people.
With stats and information like this, vehicle wraps have been known and proven to give a better result in "in your face" marketing or also known as direct marketing.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Making More From Paintings

Earn extra money for your prints. Instead of selling the original for a high place, reproduce your art work and sell it at local festivals or online. How?

I can help. Speedpro Imaging of Greater Atlanta is able to reproduce your painting at wholesale prices, thus giving you the ability to decrease your price at a more successful rate and sell more copies. This method is also called Giclee.

Giclee is an invented name (i.e. a neologism) for the process of making fine art prints from a digital source. We take the time and effort to color match and test print proofs for your approval.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Etched Glass

Once a best kept industry secret is now discovered-window-etched glass decor films. An entire world of artistic interior design is opened.

Artificial sandblasting has been around for centuries, having first patented in 1870. Because the silica dust produced from the sand caused severe health problems after sustained inhalation, the sandblasting process has evolved with other materials, such as garnet, metal gellets, and glass beads. These materials are now used as a replacement to sand.

When sandblasting, it creates a unique frosted look. This same unique frosted look that can be evenly matched with our frosted glass vinyl - for much less the cost.

Because of frosted glass vinyl, you are now able to reproduce any window, door, mirror, or other glass decor for an etched, frosted, or sandblasted effect.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Check out WRAP FEST!!!

Get your vehicle wrap installation done before Thanksgiving, and get $300 off of it!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dirty Truth Campaign

ATLANTA, GEORGIA: The Dirty Truth Campaign - - (in collaboration with Atlanta artist Lisa Tuttle) present The N PU-V Photovoice Project: Taking it to the Streets, an exhibition of large-scale color photographs (48”x40”) and narratives produced by community youth that focus on the vacant housing, blight and excessive trash that continue to plague the neighborhoods of southeast Atlanta. The exhibition will be presented October 10 – 30, 2009 at the brand new facility in the Pittsburgh neighborhood – the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center Atlanta, 967 Dewey Street, SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30310.

Much of the abandoned property and blight are in areas that immediately surround schools and parks, impacting the health and security of children. The exhibition will feature photos taken by students from W.L. Parks Middle School, Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation/Youth on the Move program, and The Center for Black Women’s Wellness/Plain Talk program.

The exhibition and related symposium are a culmination of this summer’s “Audacity of Hoops”, public art installation/events that were presented on outdoor basketball courts in the Pittsburgh, Mechanicsville and Peoplestown communities. Creative Loafing art critic Cinque Hicks described the July 25 presentation at Rosa Burney Park as neighbors coming together “in an effort to reclaim their neighborhoods through art” and “…a call to arms to change...” Photographic and video documentation of this summer’s activities will be also displayed in the Kroc Center exhibition.

An opening reception/awards ceremony will be presented on Saturday, October 10, 4 pm – 7 pm, which will also include 3-on-3 basketball games. A symposium of community leaders, VACANT PROPERTIES: City, County and State Policies that Shape Our Communities (for better or worse….) will be presented on Saturday, October 24, 3 pm – 5:30 pm. All events are free and open to the public.

Exhibition dates: October 10 – 30, 2009 Exhibition hours: Thurs-Sat: 3 pm – 7 pm

Brought to you by Dirty Truth

SpeedPro Imaging of Greater Atlanta

SpeedPro Imaging of Greater Atlanta
Print Bosses